You Can Root Google WiFi with GaleForce to Customize its Software How To...

You Can Root Google WiFi with GaleForce to Customize its Software How To...

Jul 19, 2017 4:15 AM • by Doug Lynch
You Can Root Google WiFi with GaleForce to Customize its Software

People have been using WiFi networks for years but these can sometimes be difficult to setup for your average customer. Even switching older WiFi routers into bridge mode can require a technologically savvy user to do some research about it online. These are big factors as to why we're seeing an increase in popularity for these mesh style WiFi devices such as Google WiFi. They're easy to setup and even easier to mesh together to expand your current WiFi network.

However, a big disadvantage of the Google WiFi's ease of use is how much customization has been stripped away. It literally is just a set it and forget it type of device and some would argue that Google doesn't need to be this restrictive in order to make the product as easy as it is to setup. Still, Google WiFi is a great solution for those who don't want to tinker with their WiFi network and still have a reliable connection no matter where they are in their house.

For those of us who want more levels of customization though, we now have a tool that will let us root Google WiFi units. It's open source and it is called GaleForce. You can either download a pre-built image, or you can build it yourself directly from source. The developers do warn you that if you plan on building it yourself, be sure to check out all of the commits. This is because not every commit has been tested on the router itself so you should be aware of what you're building.

Once you have the image ready though, you just toss it onto a USB stick, enable developer mode on the Google WiFi device and then install it by following some simple instructions (which are all detailed on the GitHub page down below). Once completed, Galeforce lets you obtain root SSH access on your Google WiFi device and then setup some additional features such as a VPN server, dynamic DNS client, or a custom gateway IP address.

Source: GaleForce GitHub Via: Android Police

Android Advices
Jul 18, 2017 2:44 PM • by Karthik Iyer
How To Install Android 7.1.1 based LineageOS 14.1 on OnePlus 5 Smartphone

OnePlus launched the new OnePlus 5 smartphone just recently and it is definitely one of the most powerful smartphones released in recent times. It packs some serious internals including a whopping 8GB RAM for multi-tasking. In terms of the software as well, it is really good since it runs on Oxygen OS which is as close as it gets to the stock Android. However, if you want to change it up a little bit, then your only option to flash a third party ROM on top it.

Well, if you are wondering how to do it, then you are in the right place. Today we will show you exactly how to install Android 7.1.1 based LineageOS 14.1 on OnePlus 5 Smartphone.

About the ROM

Below are some of the working features of the smartphone on this ROM –

  • Camera rear/front (Photographs)
  • Camera rear/front (Video – Use Camu from Play Store)
  • Auto brightness.
  • Fingerprint.
  • Bluetooth, Mic, Wi-Fi, GPS, IR
  • Hotspot
  • RIL

Now that it is out of the way, let's check out some of the requirements that are necessary for the installation. Below are some of the pre-requisite for the same –


  • The first thing which you need to make sure is that you are creating a complete backup of your files. Since we will be completely wiping the internal memory of the phone, you will end up loosing all your files.
  • You also need to make sure that you are installing a custom recovery software. You can install any of your choices, however, we suggest you go for TWRP for this installation.
  • You also need to make sure that the battery in the tablet has about 60-percent charge before you begin the installation. If your smartphone's battery dies during the installation, then you may end up with a completely bricked smartphone.
  • And lastly it is also necessary to make sure that you have downloaded the firmware file which is necessary for the installation. Without this file, you won't be able to proceed with the installation and hence we suggest you download the same from the link given below.

Download Lineage OS 14.1 For OnePlus 5


  1. Assuming that you have downloaded the files given in the link above, it is now time to begin the installation process.
  2. The first thing which you need to make sure is that you copy the downloaded file to the smartphone.
  3. Once done, simply turn off your phone and enter into the recovery mode. You can do this by pressing Volume Down + Power Key at the same time.
  4. After this, once you are in the recovery menu, look for wipe and format option ⇒ wipe data, system, cache and Dalvik cache and initiate it.
  5. Once done, now return back to the recovery menu and tap on Install.
  6. Now it will ask you to browse for the firmware file which you had copied earlier. Simply navigate to the same and select it.
  7. After that simply swipe to begin the installation.
  8. Do make a note that the installation will take some time and hence we suggest you be patient with the same.
  9. After it is done, before rebooting you can also choose to install the GApps.
  10. Once this is done, your device will automatically reboot into the new ROM.

Do make a note that the first reboot may take a long time and hence we suggest you stay patient with the same. Having said, if you have any queries regarding the setup, then be sure to let us know by commenting down below and also stay tuned to Android Advices for more tutorials like this.


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