The MediaTek Helio P60 made its debut at MWC 2018 on Sunday, alongside devices from Samsung, Sony and ZTE. In November 2017, the company said it would take a step back from flagship offerings to focus on the mid-market, where it has historically thrived. We saw the first fruit of this strategy this week: MediaTek announced the AI-infused Helio P60, a system-on-chip designed for affordable devices.
The Helio P60 adopts ARM's big.LITTLE architecture, dividing workloads between eight cores: four powerful ARM A73 cores and four power-efficient ARM A53 cores. Altogether, it's 70% faster than the Helio P23 and the Helio P30 in terms of GPU and CPU performance. And thanks to support for Energy Aware Scheduling (EAS) and a new 12nm FinFET manufacturing process, it's up to 25% more efficient in some cases (12% in demanding workloads).
The Helio P60 also has MediaTek's AI technology, NeuroPilot, built in. It's powered by a mobile APU (Artificial intelligence Processing Unit), a dedicated core for AI tasks.
"Building on our legacy of innovative technology, the new MediaTek Helio P60 changes everything about what consumers can expect in a smartphone," said TL Lee, General Manager of MediaTek's Wireless Communication business unit. "Packing big core power and performance with a processing unit purpose-built for AI applications, the MediaTek Helio P60 chipset brings consumers flagship features like deep-learning facial detection, object and scene identification, fluid gaming experiences, and smarter camera functions. This new chipset gives everyone access to incredible devices without the premium price tag."
With support for the Google Android Neural Networks API as well as the mobile APU, devices with the Helio P60 accelerate TensorFlow, TF Lite, Caffe, and Caffe2 in the same way newer high-end Qualcomm Snapdragon-powered chips can.
Finally, the Helio P60's three Image Signal Processors (ISPs) lead to 18% efficiency gains in dual-camera devices up to 20MP+16MP, or single-sensor 32MP devices.
Smartphones powered by the MediaTek Helio P60 will be available globally by Q2 2018.
Source: MediaTek
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