The Indian handset maker, Mafe Mobiles has launched a new device on Tuesday with an affordable price segment which offers decent specifications. It is named as Mafe Shine M810 phone at a price tag of Rs. 4,599, which would be available in across India about 14,000 retailer stores and e-commerce websites. It will be offering two exciting colors such as Gold and Black. This phone is offering the 4G LTE connectivity which provides fast internet speeds.
The Mafe Shine M810 phone sports a 5-inch FWVGA display which a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels and is offering 196ppi of pixel density, which would show bright images even in the brightest conditions. The hard-core is enclosed with a Spreadtrum quad core 1.3Ghz processor paired with a 1GB of RAM, which gives a smooth performance on this phone.
There is a 16GB of internal memory which is further expandable up to 64GB via microSD card slot. It comes powered by Android 6.0 Marshmallow out of the box and is equipped with a 2,800mAh capacity battery, which claims to deliver up to 8 hours of talk time and around 200 hours of standby time. It supports the dual SIM dual standby which you can use personal and business purpose.
The other connectivity options include Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n with tethering support, 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio and more. Also, the company has listed their next smartphone on its official website which is Mafe Shine M820. It sports an Android 7.0 Nougat operating system out of the box and is powered by a quad-core 1.3GHz processor.
There is a 16GB flash memory coupled with 2GB of RAM. Also, the listing reveals that it features a 5-inch HD display and supports a 4G LTE connectivity. It has an 8MP rear & 5MP front-facing camera and is backed by 2500mAh capacity battery. The M820 phone supports 21 regional language support. As of now, it doesn't reveal the pricing and availability of the smartphone.
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