Qualcomm has been strongly focusing on their mid-range offerings lately. Earlier this year, we got the Snapdragon 660 which offers near-820 levels of performance with insane power efficiency, made for mid to high end devices with multiple features that once were exclusive to premium chipsets. And even today, the last gen offerings (Snapdragon 65x/625) are still insanely solid as mid-range processors, used in multiple high-profile devices in both 2016 and 2017.
However, we're already hearing things about a new mid-range successor. Unsurprisingly dubbed the Snapdragon 670 (SDM670), it's rumored to come in early 2018 together with the Snapdragon 845 and other Qualcomm offerings.
The latest from Qualcomm is rumored to be built on the 10nm process, which is currently used on the Snapdragon 835. This should allow for even more power efficiency improvements, as well as performance improvements — seeing the mid rangers jump to the 10nm process is great news indeed. The chipset is also expected to use next-gen Kryo cores: the octa core CPU will allegedly feature two high-power cores (Kryo 360, third-gen) and six low-power cores as part of ARM's new DynamIQ tech, which is much more flexible than previous technologies. Qualcomm's next gen processors will also make the jump to the next generation of Adreno GPUs, the 6xx series.
We've learned about the existence of the Snapdragon 670 through an official listing at the Qualcomm website. On Qualcomm's CreatePoint site, an "SDM670 Android Tablet" appears listed together with a bunch of product kits. This Android tablet is most likely a prototype device for testing the Snapdragon 670, as they do every year. It's still in testing phase and some things could change in the following months, so take the above information with a pinch of salt until Qualcomm officially announces their newest SoCs. The Snapdragon 670 will probably be announced around Q1-Q2 2018, likely after the first Snapdragon 845 device is released.
Source: Qualcomm Source: GSMArena
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