Twitter has regularly been getting updates for their users, and recently, it has been rolled out its character limit increased to 280 characters first time after debuting the twitter app. And now, it is working on another rollout this time you can save your tweet privately and see later, which would be called as bookmarking button. This information has been announced on twitter by the product manager Jeser Shah via Buzzfeed. As of now, it has announced, but it is still in developing and is being worked with Hack Week company.
This bookmarking button would be helpful to save tweets privately which means you can see that tweet any time you want and it would be working like bookmarking on websites. So, it has saved tweets in a dedicated section of your Twitter app, which is a handy button for the users. This improvement would be very helpful, and now we are liking or re-tweeting the tweets if you want to see any tweet later on personal feed. As of now, we don't have any information about when it would be officially released.
Earlier, Twitter has released the updates for its user like Mute non-followers, Automatic night mode, Twitter gets a new look, Accept/delete Twitter Direct Messages from people you don't know and recently it has increased its character limit up to 280 characters limit which is the first time after debuting in 2006.
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