Unreleased HTC Made Google Pixel 2 with 3830 mAh Battery shows up in AOSP...

Unreleased HTC Made Google Pixel 2 with 3830 mAh Battery shows up in AOSP...

Oct 26, 2017 12:54 AM • by Mishaal Rahman
Unreleased HTC Made Google Pixel 2 with 3830 mAh Battery shows up in AOSP

Earlier this month, Google officially unveiled its second generation Pixel smartphones: the Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. But the first rumors regarding this year's Pixel devices initially suggested there would be 3 Pixel smartphones codenamed walleye, muskie, and taimen, and that all 3 would sport the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835. The rumors regarding a 'muskie' model were later squashed, but today this previously unannounced and unreleased Google Pixel 2 model started showing up in AOSP.

A new device branch called 'muskie' can now be found in the latest Android source drop, branch Android-8.0.0_r24, that was released along with the source code for the 'walleye' and 'taimen' Google Pixel 2/2 XL devices. There are a few interesting things we have found out so far about this device.

It really was a Google device

In the AOSP make file, we found the following lines:


The "PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER" is the most interesting line as it confirms that the device was indeed an actual Google device.

It was probably made by HTC

In the init.common.usb.rc file, we can find evidence that it was probably made by HTC:

# battery driver settings for the retail demo environment where  # the device will be perpertually plugged in to a power source  on property:sys.retaildemo.enabled=1  write /sys/module/htc_battery/parameters/full_level_dis_chg 35

These lines indicate how the battery driver behaves when the device is in a retail demo mode, such as those models currently being displayed in Verizon Wireless stores across the United States. Notably, the kernel parameter path has "htc" in it which indicates the battery was manufactured by HTC.

It had a huge battery

The Google Pixel 2 XL has a huge 3,520 mAh battery, but it appears that the unreleased 'muskie' model had an even larger battery—3,830 mAh to be more precise. This can be found in the power_profile.xml file.

<item name="battery.capacity">3830</item>

This finding is particularly interesting because earlier reports suggest that the 'muskie' model was scrapped in favor of the larger 'taimen' Pixel 2 XL. Why would a presumably smaller model have a much larger battery?

It had the same DPI as the Pixel 2 XL

A smaller finding, but the DPI of the 'muskie' Pixel 2 model was apparently 560—the same as the Pixel 2 XL made by LG.

PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \  ro.sf.lcd_density=560 \

It had the Pixel Visual Core

The Google Pixel 2 and 2 XL have a custom SoC for image processing called the Pixel Visual Core. It was made in collaboration with Intel but won't be activated until the devices are updated to Android 8.1. According to the code, it appears that 'muskie' also had the Pixel Visual Core.

We discovered this after Ron Amadeo from ArsTechnica pointed out that the Pixel Visual Core's codename is "easel" in AOSP. That led us to the make file, which interestingly showed these lines:

ifneq ($(filter muskie walleye taimen,$(TARGET_DEVICE)),)  include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)  endif

Clearly, it is expecting the target device to be one of 'muskie', 'walleye', or 'taimen' which is the unreleased Pixel device, Pixel 2, and Pixel 2 XL respectively.


It's interesting to see this unreleased device show up so nonchalantly in AOSP. We honestly expected to never hear from it again. From how much code it shares with 'walleye', the smaller HTC-made Google Pixel 2, we suspect that 'muskie' was likely going to be the larger Pixel 2 XL before Google brought LG on board. That would match the 1st generation Google Pixel devices which were both made by HTC, but merely had different sizes.

Thanks to XDA Recognized Contributor Quinny898 for helping us!

Android Advices
Oct 24, 2017 4:48 PM • by Pavan Kumar B.C
Sprint offers $350 discount on iPhone X by trading with an eligible Smartphone

With the pre-orders of iPhone X nearing, we will be witnessing many offers on the device from different services provides and this time Sprint has taken the step and is providing a $350 on the device by trading it with an eligible smartphone. Yes, you hear it right! The iPhone X which is priced at $999 can get a discount of $350 by trading it with a list of the device that is mentioned below.

However, this will be valid only on Sprint's Flex leasing scheme and trading with an eligible device. The list of smartphones included in the scheme are iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus from Apple whereas from Samsung devices like Galaxy S8, S8+, S7, S7 Edge and Note 5 are included. Other devices that are included are, LG G5, G6 and V20, Google Pixel, Google Pixel XL, Moto Z Droid, Z Play, Z2 Force, Z Force Droid and Z2 Play, BlackBerry Keyone and the HTC U11.

Any of these devices can be traded for the upcoming iPhone X on Sprint and the user needs to pay $22.22 every month which is the part of 18-months leasing programme. Moreover, you also have the option of leasing the iPhone after one year for a new lease. But if you are planning stick with the iPhone X after one year also, then you need to pay $41.62 every month for remaining 6 months.

By this method, the user will be spending a total of $649.68 which $350.32 lesser than the original price. This offer is valid for old Sprint customers as well as to the customers who plant to switch to Sprint. Are you going to get this new iPhone X? Do you own any of the device listed above for trading? Comment in the section below and stay tuned for more news and updates.



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