Chrome OS Gets its Own Product Type for Chromecast 5 Best Free Drone Apps For...

Chrome OS Gets its Own Product Type for Chromecast 5 Best Free Drone Apps For...

Aug 22, 2017 12:30 AM • by Doug Lynch
Chrome OS Gets its Own Product Type for Chromecast

Chromecast started out as a side project for Google that quickly turned into the best selling hardware device the company sells. Over 3.8 million were sold in the first 12 months it was launched and last year at Google I/O we learned that the company had sold over 25 million units since its inception (and is now up to 30 million). With its success, you would think that Google would be paying more attention to the small details surrounding this product.

However, Google even seems to be struggling with the branding over the years. March of last year we saw the company try to rebrand the casting technology behind the Chromecast device to Google Cast. Then less than a year later we saw reports of this being changed for 3rd-party products from Google Cast to "Chromecast Built-in." Google had even removed the Google Cast name from the landing page on their website, which to this day shows the new branding and redirects you to a different landing page.

At that time though, the Google Cast branding name was still on places such as their Android TV landing page. This has since been updated with the Chromecast Built-in moniker, but it's interesting to see the company go through these transitions over the years. Another small detail that seems to have been overlooked for quite some time is how a Chrome OS device is labeled when it is streaming to a Chromecast supported product.

In the Google Home application, any streams to a Chromecast device that is registered to your account shows up there. It confused many people that Chrome OS wasn't labeled properly here since the operating system is a 1st-party product from Google. However, a new commit on the Chromium Gerrit shows that Chrome OS is getting its own product type. This commit says it will allow the Cast Receiver on Chrome OS to be properly recognized as a standalone product by other components of the Cast ecosystem (like the Google Home application).

Android Advices
Aug 21, 2017 4:35 PM • by Karunakar Donthamshetti
5 Best Free Drone Apps For Android Users

Drone is an unmatched aerial machine which is used for an aircraft without a human to drive, but we can use components to control this device which is either a remote control operated by a person or individually by onboard computers. Nowadays, drones have more trend in the market, and most of the people are buying for a common purpose or business purpose. According to market research, usage of drone have been increasing day by day in the market and expecting that it would grow up to 19% of annual growth in the periods of 2015 to 2020 which is compared to a military side growth of 5%.

For flying a drone or ways to help you better, you should know the list of best smartphone apps for a drone pilot. Here we are provided five best free apps for an Android users. These apps can help to know weather condition and maximize your thoughts how can we use and what can we do with this drone in many ways. Also, it can teach new things to try out and explore yourself with your drone by using these drone apps which are available in Google play store for free.

UAV Forecast – Free

This app is available for both Android User and as well as IOS user. It is one of the best apps you can check it out & surely you can love it. The UAV Forecast app will provide to monitor the forecast information like Sunrise, Sunset, Visibility, Wind speed, Temperature, chances of rain and cloud cover. This app is only useful in the daytime not in the night and as well as high latitudes.

Also, it can show the future forecast information which you can plan your trip or anything according to that. This app also designates the KP Index which provides GPS navigation and radio signals due to any geomagnetic confusions affected by a solar system. Overall, it is the best app to fly your drone by using this app.

Google Earth – Free

It is the most useful app which will also be available for both Android and IOS users. It has used the high technology to show a clear map view for the users like images of streets, buildings, and landmarks. So, you can see the clear street view graphically what is happening in your city like a live telecast of the city. Also, you can add a road picture that shows your route where you are going. Also, we can find the shortest way to your destination on a computer before starting your journey. So, this is a handy drone app to use and recommend to others.

Hover – Free

Hover is a drone app that gives regular updates with their international No-Fly zones, which means it let us know if you are take-off your drone right in this area or not. Also, it provides the live updates like temperature, time, directions towards east or north or sought or west, Wind report, chances of rain, and other similar information like UAV Forecast app.

Additionally, it provides to store information for the drone pilots which is regarding flight information where you are taking off, flight duration, battery information and more. Also, it produced the report and forwarded to email yourself. So, it is a good app to use and suggest to others.

AirMap – Free

It is the most useful drone app on the planet regarding interface and its reliability. This app would provide the location, heading distance from the airport you are calling and gives the real time traffic alerts. It gives information very quickly without searching on Google to track down the contact details. It is the fast-growing app for the business use.

B4UFly – Free

This app provides any flight restrictions with their current location through notifications messages like "Proceed with Caution," "Warning – Action Required," or "Flight Prohibited." Moreover, this app comes with a planner mode which helps you to change upcoming trip date plans if there is any restriction at that date or time.


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