Spice Mobile on Today launched a new device in India called as V801 at a price tag of Rs. 7,999, which is available in offline stores across India. It is the flagship phone from the company around 8K price in range. Back in July 2017, this company introduced the bunch of devices including feature phones and smartphones in the part of K-series (Creative & Fashion), F-Series(Music, Fun & Fashion), V-Series and Z-series (feature phones), which are priced at from Rs. 850 to Rs. 9,500. The Spice V801 phone comes with a glossy body with smooth matte finish design, which makes the smartphone more stylish in your hand.
Speaking on occasion, Sudhir Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, itel & Spice Devices said, "Spice endeavors to be a brand that a young aspiring consumer would like to carry and flaunt. V801 is a complete package in terms of its ergonomics, high end features backed by excellent service proposition of one-year replacement warranty. With the launch of Spice V801, we have bolstered our current portfolio and have added another smartphone to our list of stylishly designed phones with features that stand out and appeal to the Indian Youth."
he further added "We at Spice, believe that our 4G LTE enabled smartphone portfolio will help us to provide seamless, feature rich digital experience to our customers at compelling price points. We will continue to focus on increasing our presence in Tier II and Tier III cities in India to help every Indian embrace the Digital movement." Talking about specification, it sports a 5-inch display with a 1280 x 720 pixels and has a 2.5D curved glass. Under the hood, it is supercharged with a quad-core 1.25Ghz processor along with Mali T720 graphics and 3GB RAM.
It houses a 16GB of internal memory supporting an external memory via microSD card slot. This phone is running on the Android 7.0 Nougat OS and is equipped with a 2,700mAh battery. It is a dual SIM phone accompanied by 4G LTE network. The other connectivity options include Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, micro USB port, GPS, Bluetooth support and more. It is measured by 145.5 x 72 x 8.3 mm in dimensions and unknown weight. The V801 is a fingerprint sensor phone for unlocking a smartphone by pressing a finger. For optics, this phone offers an 8MP front & rear-facing camera.
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