Earlier, HTC company revealed about receiving the latest software update for their devices such as HTC U11, HTC U Ultra and HTC 10, this information roll out by HTC via a tweet. Recently, the Sony company also roll out the Android 8.0 update for their Xperia X series of smartphones would be receiving ten devices. Now,
Motorola has announced the Android 8.0 Oreo update for its devices and confirmed its 12 smartphones would get this latest flavor of the software update. So, this means Motorola device users would get this roll out on your devices in shortly sometime in future.
The list of Motorola smartphones would get flavor of the latest software update which includes Moto Z, Moto Z Droid, Moto Z Force Droid, Moto Z Play, Moto Z Play Droid, Moto Z2 Play, Moto Z2 Force Editon, Moto X4, Moto G5, Moto G5 Plus, Moto G5s and Moto G5s Plus. Surprisingly, Motorola company hasn't revealed the Moto G4 & Moto G4 Plus smartphones would get this update. So, it is the bad news for who are using Moto G4 & Moto G4 plus users. Both Moto G4 & G4 Plus smartphones were launched a year ago, which wouldn't get any major update apart from Nougat.
If you want Oreo update on your Moto G4 & G4 Plus devices? So you need to install the Custom ROM of Lineage 15 ROM on your devices. Also, The Lineage 15 ROM OS would be available for the other Motorola users who are not interested in waiting till the update release. The supported devices are Moto X play, Moto G2, Moto X2, Moto E2 and Moto G5 Plus. Though, the company hasn't given any details about when will get the other models from Motorola brand like Moto E series and Moto C-series.
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