Earlier, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 smartphone had launched in Newyork on August 23rd at a price tag of $930, and then the same device was introduced in India on September 12 which is priced at Rs. 67,900. Now, this company has unveiled the same device in 42 countries around the world, and few countries would get the device today itself which includes the United States, Canada, Singapore, Korean markets and the other European markets, while other countries would get this device in few weeks in the future.
Already, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 smartphone has begun getting its first update from the company. The update comes over to the camera app, which improves the performance of the camera and also improved other areas on this device such as Wireless charging. Though, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 would improve the overall performance. Talking about specs, it sports a 6.3-inch QuadHD+ display with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection and has an IP68 certification for water & dust proof technology. The dual SIM powered phone is equipped with an Android 7.1 Nougat operating system. This phone with different chipsets for the U.S. and other markets.
The U.S markets packed with a Snapdragon 835 octa-core processor along with Adreno 540 graphics, while the other markets powered by an Exynos 9 series 8895 chipset. Both variants packed with a 64GB or 128GB or 256GB of internal storage options coupled with a 6GB of RAM, which can also be further expandable via microSD card slot. Regarding the camera, it comes with a dual 12MP rear camera and 8MP front-facing camera. It is backed by a 3,300mAh capacity battery with fast charging support and comes equipped with a fingerprint sensor for unlocking a smartphone and as well as making payments. This phone will be available in Orchid Grey, Midnight Black, Maple Gold, and Deep Sea Blue.
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