Domestic handset maker Kult has been debuted in India back in 2015 and launched the Kult 10 smartphone which is now available on Flipkart and is priced at Rs. 6,299. Last month, this brand unveiled the second smartphone dubbed as Kult Beyond which is priced at 6,999. Now, this company has expanded its portfolio with a new device named as Kult Gladiator which is the third smartphone from the company. It is priced at Rs. 6,999 which would be exclusively available on Amazon India. This phone comes with similar specifications of Kult Beyond smartphone apart from the display, battery and front camera.
This phone comes with a sturdy metal body, which provides a premium touch & feel experience. It flaunts 5.5-inch On-cell HD IPS display with a 2.5D curved glass and 1280 x 720 pixels resolution, which gives the cinematic experience when you watch movies and photos. Under the hood, it comes powered by a 1.25Ghz MediaTek MT6737 quad-core processor coupled with Mali T720 graphics and 3GB of RAM. It houses a 32GB of flash memory which supports a microSD card slot up to 32GB.
The Gladiator phone supported a dual SIM dual standby and carried by 4G LTE network. It has a fingerprint sensor embedded at the rear side for unlocking the smartphone just one tap, shortcut to launch your favorite app, quick dial, capture photos, answer calls and more. It is powered by Android 7.0 Nougat operating system with pre-installed applications, and other standard connectivity options include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11, GPS navigation support, 3.5mm audio jack, Micro-USB port, FM Radio OTG support and more.
For photography, this phone bears a 13MP autofocus primary with LED light which helps to capture all your precious moments in your life and is capable of recording videos in 720p at 30 frames per second. On the front, there is an 8MP front-facing camera with face beauty mode, photo filters and LED flash, which shoot stunning selfies even in the dark light conditions. This phone comes packed with a massive 4,000mAh capacity battery, while the Kult Beyond came with just 3,000mAh battery.
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